Week-end Update

By on September 1, 2012

I’ll be on the road again for the next five days, but as I was packing this morning I heard some tidbits I just had to pass on:

All the chattering heads in print and TV are talking away about the finish of the Republican Convention. The subjects are definitely weird. Like—–

Is Clint Eastwood senile? I hope not, as was planning to see his new movie. I admit the convention clips could keep some potential viewers home from the film, wondering if it will make any more sense than his rambling monolog. What possessed this seemingly in-command film-maker to be lured out into an unscripted event, yes filled with thousands of friends, to do a little summer camp level skit? Pride goeth….

Did Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney tearing up about their mothers on camera mean Republicans are on board with the issues women care most about? People also point out that Ann Romney called out “Yea Women” as a sign women are in safe hands. I missed the little white gloves the GOP candidate’s wife usually wears. We’ll just have to see.

This morning Romney was in Cincinnati appearing somewhat unconfident. His tone was pressured. He spoke rapidly,  almost pleadingly to the crowd. He rattled off his current catecism, bashing the president as usual. I wondered as I listened if he fears the election is slipping away from him. He should relax. Look, if he loses, he can always move to London, change his positions again, and run for Queen. She can’t hold out forever.

Karl Rove told some millionaire supporters he might ‘kill’ Todd Akin, then apologized saying he wouldn’t have said that if he knew he was being recorded. Karl is the party’s answer to the Unibomber. I am surprised so many people line up behind him. Maybe it’s his killer charm.

The president tweeted a picture of himself seated in his chair back to the photographer telling Eastwood supporters that ‘the chair’ is filled. He needs to be a little more concerned. George H W Bush told voters the chair was filled and they put someone else in it. Jingles, Ass-kissing, Red Scares, made-up facts and dirty tricks do have their consequences. Just ask John Kerry and Michael Dukakis, once predicted to win.

The managers of the Hurricane Issac situation definitely did better than those who managed Hurricane Katrina. There are still flooding and levy issues. Some people have died. Does anyone else care about this beside the Weather Channel? I usually don’t go to the Weather Channel for human interest stories but this time they triumphed. Maybe Jim Cantore should have given the keynote address in Tampa.

Democratic pundits are whining about all the lies and distortions the Republicans are spoon-feeding the electorate right now. Fact checkers from the New York Times and Wall Street Journal have given Ryan the Pinocchio award from the get-go. He may be bright, but he’s none too scrupulous. No wonder he was once voted the class ‘brown-noser.’ Romney just flails away on any factoid programmed by his handlers. I do sometimes if he listens to what he is saying. OK, but the Democrats whining about it is just as annoying. Very annoying.

If any of you learned anything new about what either party is going to do, of a positive nature, about the health care crisis in this country in the next four years, please write and let me in on the secret. I’ll be at the Beach hopefully away from a TV and sharks of a fishy nature. Future reform plans seem to be an even bigger secret than Romney’s tax returns.

Tom Godfrey


About Tom Godfrey

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