• Operation Damage Control Swings into Action

    The President goes today to Faneuil Hall in Boston to defend his signature accomplishment, the Affordable Care Act. We are told he has chosen this venue because it was where the Massachusetts state reform program that was...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • More News on Cost and Health Reform

    Here’s the good news and bad about the state of American health care entering the new year. According to an article published in the important journal Health Affairs, medical costs have plateaued for the third year running....

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • For Whom the Bells Tolled

    At 9:30 this morning, the town of Sandy Hook Connecticut tolled the bells 24 times for the victims of last week’s massacre. The President, to his credit, has stepped up immediately, expressed his feelings, declared that something...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Happy Birthday Penn Square Post and Press!

    I almost missed it. It was one year ago today I put up the first piece for the Penn Square Post and Press. There was much worrying then about what I was getting in to. I didn’t...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Do Electronic Health Records Save Money?

    One of the most important innovations in health care in the past two decades has been the all-electronic health record. Besides dealing with the centuries-old issue of doctors’ bad handwriting, it provides a more comprehensive record of...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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