- Two Thanksgiving Thoughts for the ACAPosted 11 years ago
- Shop til you Drop at the Healthcare Marketplace Part 2: Frustration!Posted 11 years ago
- An Early Casualty in the Affordable Care FightPosted 11 years ago
- Some Good News for a ChangePosted 11 years ago
Happy Birthday Penn Square Post and Press!
I almost missed it. It was one year ago today I put up the first piece for the Penn Square Post and Press. There was much worrying then about what I was getting in to. I didn’t...
- Posted 12 years ago
Over the Cliff and through the Woods to Grandmother’s House We Go
The verdict is in. The election is over. The post-mortems flow forth. You can take your choice on why the election ended up the way it did….. Republicans did not appeal to much more than older married white...
- Posted 12 years ago
Rip Van Winkle and State Health Insurance Exchanges
Observers are now watching to see which states will move ahead with the establishment of insurance exchanges where low to middle income Americans can come to purchase affordable health insurance. This of course is regardless of health...
- Posted 12 years ago
Boehner and Health Care Reform post-election
Speaker of the House John Boehner surprised a number of people yesterday when he told Diane Sawyer of ABC News that Obamacare, the PPACA of 2010 was now the law of the land since the electorate had...
- Posted 12 years ago
Health Reform Wins at the Polls: but What Will It Look Like?
One of the winners last night was the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. Most observers thought it would have been hard for a President Romney to actually repeal the Act itself. It seemed more...
- Posted 12 years ago