Two Thanksgiving Thoughts for the ACA

By on November 28, 2013

bballListening to current statistics about the Butterball Hot Line today made me realize that the Administration missed a trick by not turning the Affordable Care Act phone enrollment  over to them. They have the experience and the personnel and they are only really busy once a year. Imagine you could get affordable comprehensive health insurance and advice on how to keep your stuffing moist all in the same call. I don’t know how many glitches Butterball experiences these days but their track record over recent years has been pretty solid. They’ve also helped the over all health of the country by advising customer how not to deep fry a turkey. Otherwise you run the risk of launching it into the neighborhood or deep frying the kitchen staff. Mr. President are you listening?


insurMeanwhile out on the West Coast in Lotusland, the Los Angeles Times reports that the Affordable Care Act is revolutionizing the way health insurance is being sold. No surprise since a lot of progress on delivery systems has been made there since WWII. California is one of the states that actually did the work to make insurance more available to working Americans. Others passed their homework off to the federal government. There is greater emphasis now on the individual market. Agents used to sit by phones and wait for them to ring. No longer. The Times reports that you can buy policies now in shopping malls. Imagine, tomorrow you can get your Christmas shopping done and get Junior a bronze policy in case he falls off his surfboard in 2014. Amazing!



About Tom Godfrey

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