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Sandy Drops In

Last night Sandy the Storm charged through our area, leaving far less destruction that it did to the north and east. Some branches are down, a few small trees have been felled, but the damage is manageable. At the time the center came ashore in Southern New Jersey, the winds here suddenly ceased and the rain stopped. The clouds stayed and swirled above. About three hours later it all started again, though the gusts have been far gentler than earlier.
The power remained on, and the only significant remaining threat is flooding. The waters in the Conestoga River have been steadily rising, way above flood stage and showing no sign of abating. We are on high ground so we can breathe easily even if the water crests above the Irene record level. Downstream, there will be problems. The end is not in sight. The rescue in New Jersey and New York City will take weeks, maybe months or years.
It is interesting to watch the bi-partisan cooperation the storm has engendered. Governor Christie in New Jersey has been a model of public service in his efforts for his state, constantly accessible, directing action, scolding the non-compliant, making quick decisions. Apparently FEMA and the president have been very cooperative, and he has said so, to his credit. That is what we have wanted for the past four years. Why does it take a crisis to cut through the rhetoric?
David Letterman said last night that the storm has had one positive effect — halting the national campaign and giving us all a break. That was wishful thinking. Governor Romney today is holding a Clean-up ‘Rally’ in Ohio, little more than a thinly disguised campaign appearance. The man has zero integrity! The attraction of this human jellyfish to so-called undecided voters still eludes me.
I watched with interest the rescue efforts at New York University hospital as the staff there evacuated its critical care patients after a back-up generator failed. Watching nurses bag newborns as they ran to ambulances and attend severe cardiac patients in transit reminds me of the kind of people who we need in charge— people who walk the walk, not just talk the talk of the moment.
Tom Godfrey