• Another Presidential Cliffhanger

    This closely contested Presidential election involving a Democratic incumbent is not without its precedent. Few alive today who lived through it will have much memory of the events, but it does bear a moment’s retelling. In 1916,...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Sandy Drops In

    Last night Sandy the Storm charged through our area, leaving far less destruction that it did to the north and east. Some branches are down, a few small trees have been felled, but the damage is manageable. At...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Meanwhile Back at Campaign Headquarters

    We interrupt this discussion of substantive issues to take another peek at the Presidential Election, still in progress. Virtually all surveys show the President marginally ahead with only the traditional red states safe for Romney. These same...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Reforming Health Care in The US: A Tutorial (Part 1)

    This year’s presidential election will be, among other things, a referendum on Health Care Reform and the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010. We may have to stop and remind ourselves of that periodically in the next...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • A Moral Dilemma in Health Care

    The discussion about morality, ethics and values in health care delivery has surfaced a dilemma that needs to be addressed. Right-to-lifers, who were very active in framing the Republican platform in Tampa last month, are pretty tough...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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