What is the Penn Square Post?

By on March 24, 2012
It has been a morning of soul-searching. We have talked about who we are and who we want to be when we ‘grow up,’ whenever and whatever that turns out to be. We have talked honestly about the decisions we have made and the paths we followed to get to the place we are today. The result is a revised statement of identity. We would very much like to hear from you about this, so the new statement is also being published on our home page today for comment and feedback. Our readership is up in numbers. This week we have readers from The Russian Federation, Netherlands, Australia, England, Jordan, Turkey and Viet Nam. We had a great guest writer publish a distinguished piece. So that means what?    Tell us what we need to hear. 

The Penn Square Post, part of the Penn Square Press LLC, is a news and commentary forum for a variety of topics related to life in the 21st Century.

Front and center are issues concerning Health Care Policy and Delivery in the US. Edited by Thomas Godfrey, a health care consultant and former doctor and administrator with a large established delivery and insurance organization, this section tackles the critical developments making news in a slightly different perspective, hopefully stimulating an exchange of ideas. Tom has had extensive experience practicing on the front lines as well as planning for highly specialized care. For years he was involved in how doctors communicate with their patients and each other.

We will also be extending our platform to other topics, the first two being classical music and orchestras in the US from Curtis Rittenhouse, a former Music Academy head and program annotator.

Later we will be adding a section aligned with mysteries, one of America’s favorite forms of fiction and entertainment which will be hosted by George P Barber.

Our eventual goal is to expand to be a public forum for the things that make life worth living —-instead of the annoying junk that is clogging up the airways and internet each day. How many people really care about the fortunes of the Kardashians on a daily basis? Why are they everywhere in the news?

This calendar year we will also expand our discussion to the books the Press will start to publish. One, a new mystery, has just appeared.

In the three months since we began publishing the Post, we have learned that progress is slow and unpredictable. We want readership participation. Please join in.

If you like what you read, please tell others. We know you have a lot of choices but we hope you will come to feel you have a home here at the Post, located in the US state where freedom of religion and expression of thought was a founding ideal.



The Publishers

About Tom Godfrey

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