• “13th” Directed by Ava Duvernay (Netflix streaming)

    The topic of director Ava Duverney’s “13th” is that this country’s prison system is set up to incarcerate as many people as possible so companies, private individuals and politicians benefit financially by way of the businesses that...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • The Black Lives Matter Movement

    I want to address this divisive – even within the black community1 – movement, but not too deeply, although I don’t want to trivialize any aspect of it. Whenever an BLM-related incident is reported in the news, I think...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Trump Unlocked a Pandora’s Box of Racism

    Take a look at these stories of incidents happening even before Donald Trump begins his term (I’ve resigned myself to accepting his two terms, assuming he lives that long and this country hasn’t been blown of the...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • The Donald Sterling Mess

    After a lifetime of hearing about sensationalized stories like this one and after my initial reaction to Donald Sterling’s (left) racist comments, my focus quickly became more about how his privacy had been violated by another individual. ...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Three from Spike Lee: “Do the Right Thing” (1989), “Jungle Fever” (1991), “Summer of Sam” (1999)

          Dan Walker On Film         Since I associate these three movies with each other, I thought it would be interesting to review them all in one shot, which was challenging.  Two...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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