• What Does Dogme95 Think of Martin Scorsese?

    Because the debate Martin Scorsese started with his criticism of superhero movies not being true “cinema” has been such big and unavoidable news, it got me to thinking about the fuss being made over the anti-aging process...

    • Posted 5 years ago
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  • My 2018 Oscar Picks

    Consider my “summaries” write-up as the intro to this column, assuming you got through it all.   I only include categories where I’ve seen all or most of the nominees. – – – – – I added...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Summaries of 2017 Films

    Actually, it’s more accurate to say “My opinion of the 2017 movies I’ve seen.” Every movie year has its controversies and 2017 is no different.  I don’t need to elaborate on this year’s controversies; they’re in the...

    • Posted 6 years ago
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  • Oscar Night Review

    Quick:  Name the three previous Best Picture Oscar winners. While you’re “um”ing and “er”ing trying to remember, I’ll bet when someone asks, “Who won Best Picture the year ‘La La Land’ came out?”, you’ll remember it was...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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  • My 2017 Oscar Picks

    2016 was a good year for movies and an outstanding year for black stories, films, film makers and actors.  It was proof that if you can get a good story into the hands of a good producer...

    • Posted 7 years ago
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